Why a single dental implant Melbourne is better than a gap

A lot of people who suffer from tooth loss only deem it serious enough to get treatment when nearly all of their teeth have fallen out. At High Dental Implants Melbourne we want to help everyone who has lost teeth, even if it is just the one, as it can still dramatically impact how you feel on a daily basis. We provide treatments where you can benefit from getting a single dental implant Melbourne and get rid of the gap that is impacting your smile. Whether you have lost your tooth due to decay or because you have been in an accident, we want to help you feel better about showing off your smile in public and speaking to others, without worrying that they have caught a glimpse of the unwanted gap that you have. If you are worried about your smile’s appearance or just want to find out whether you can benefit from this treatment or not, we recommend that you book a consultation appointment with one of our practitioners to find out all of the information that you require. dental-implants-melbourne

Straightforward treatment to restore your smile

Making the choice to get a dental implant Melbourne can seem like a big decision, but in reality the treatment itself is a very straightforward one that you will not regret. Once you have had your consultation appointment you will return to our practice to have a small titanium screw inserted directly into your jawbone to behave as the root of your new tooth. After your mouth has healed around the screw you will have another appointment with your dental practitioner. At this appointment they will attach your new false tooth to your screw. Your tooth will be made of porcelain and will be the new crown. This artificial crown is used to replace single teeth, and differs drastically from the other appliances such as bridges and dentures, that can be used to replace a higher quantity of missing teeth.

Do you miss chewing as well as smiling?

Unlike other tooth replacement treatments, getting a dental implant Melbourne means that you will be able to chew with confidence again, regardless of how sticky and chewy the food is. A lot of people have to avoid certain foods when they are missing a tooth, as chewing can be painful or food can get stuck around your gap. This treatment can put your mind at rest as the permanently fixed nature of it means that your new tooth is secure and extremely unlikely to come loose. The crown itself is made from a porcelain material, so when you smile your new tooth will look and feel exactly like your original ones, not to mention that it will blend in with your remaining teeth too. This means that other people may not even spot that you have undergone treatment, so you will not have to deal with any people making a comment on your new tooth, as there is a high chance that they will not even notice it.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.