Who makes a good candidate for dental implants in Melbourne?

Dental implants have gained popularity over the years, since they are an ideal toot replacement option for patients who have lost one or several teeth. They can also be used to restore an entire mouthful of missing teeth. Unlike conventional bridges and dentures, dental implants are organically integrated into the jawbone, creating a strong and steady foundation for replacement teeth.

High dental implants Melbourne

At High Dental Implants, we offer many implant solutions for patients suffering from tooth loss. However, while dental implants in Melbourne are viable and long-lasting, not everybody is a candidate for them. Our experienced dentists will examine your teeth and jaw thoroughly and help you decide whether this treatment corresponds to your needs.

Here are some of the things to take into consideration before having dental implants in Melbourne:

Good oral and overall health

During your examination, our dentist will inspect your teeth, gums and jawbone and ask you questions about your oral and overall health. The results of the examination will determine whether your body will be able to heal properly after the surgery. Patients in good health are generally good candidates for dental implants as long as they have enough bone tissue left in their jawbone.

Then again, patients with health problems may still be qualified for dental implants in Melbourne, as long as their condition is stabilised prior to implant surgery. Last but not least, patients with gum disease or other oral health issues should receive treatment before implant surgery. For instance, untreated gum disease can hinder the successful healing of dental implants.

What if my jawbone is already deteriorated?

Even though your jaw needs to be strong enough to support dental implants in Melbourne, you can still have dental implants even if your jawbone is compromised.

Modern implant techniques such as multiple implants, allow patients to have multiple teeth replaced with dental implants, even in the event of jawbone deterioration. In any case, a thorough consultation with your dentist should be in order before any decisions are made on the matter.

Get in touch

If you are considering dental implants in Melbourne and have questions about whether this is the right treatment for you, please contact us to book your consultation.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.