Who are High Dental Implants Melbourne?

If you are looking for outstanding results that will have you feeling like you have your natural look back again, then High Dental Implants Melbourne in Melbourne could very well have you smiling from ear to ear.

High dental implant Melbourne

Whether you have lost a tooth due to an injury, have lost several teeth because of a past infection or periodontal disease or simply because of age or due to weak or unhealthy teeth have dentures, then there are options available for you that can bring about a change in your life for the better.

We understand here that having a visible missing tooth can negatively affect your confidence. There are also serious implications that, if not managed quickly, can result in damage to your existing teeth, your jaw bone or your facial appearance and structure.

It is important that you speak to us as soon as you have lost a tooth or find that your existing dentures are slipping or feeling uncomfortable. This is because the sooner we get onto completing your smile again, the sooner you can get back to comfortably living the way you have always been used to.

Why are my dentures slipping?

If you are one of the many Australians who have a full set of dentures, then we would love to talk to you about the multiple implants solution that could have you feeling like new again.

After a period of time, it is normal for your dentures to no longer feel as comfortable as they did when you first had them installed. You may now find that if you laugh or animatedly talk, your dentures slip and may even fall out.

Eating can quickly become a nightmare, and you may become more self conscious about what foods you can eat or what will cause you potentially embarrassing situations. This can stop you from eating out and enjoying your life.

Dentures cannot support the jaw bone like natural teeth or tooth implants can. Without this specific kind of stimulation, the jaw bone naturally recedes as the body uses nutrients in other areas of the body. As the jaw bone recedes, it can leave your face with a sunken appearance, aging you prematurely, as well as causing your current dentures to no longer fit as they should.

What can you do for my slipping dentures?

When you come in to see High Dental Implants Melbourne in Melbourne, We will use the latest in innovative technology 3D scan to assess the bone structure of your jaw in order to create a treatment plan that is personalised for you.

There is no upper age limit for dental implants and we can perform a simple procedure prior to the installation of the implants themselves that provide your jawbone with the mass required to support your dentures.

After this procedure is complete, we can continue on to the multiple implants procedure, providing you with four tooth implants that will hold an entire set of dentures, which will be fixed in the mouth onto the implants.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.