We’re all for multiple implants

You never really thought it would end like this, but somehow you’ve ended up with a mouth full of severely decayed teeth and they’ve all got to go. The prospect of wearing full dentures for the rest of your days is unappealing to say the least. You’ve heard all the embarrassing stories of dentures slipping out at the most inopportune moments and getting left behind in a crunchy apple or tough steak. But what other choice do you have? Dental implants, that’s what.

dental implants Melbourne

A dental implant in Melbourne, as elsewhere, is a small titanium post or screw that we surgically place into the jawbone. Here it acts as an artificial tooth root and can support replacement teeth. In fact, a single implant can support up to 3 crowns. If you’re trying to do the sums in your head that still works out as a fair few implants if you’ve lost all your teeth. That’s where the multiple implants technique comes in, which our implant dentist at High Dental Implants Melbourne is trained to carry out.

What is multiple implants?

You’ve lost so many teeth that one dental implant in Melbourne just isn’t going to cut it but you don’t need as many as you may think. The multiple implants technique uses just 4 dental implants to secure a whole arch of teeth. This is made possible by placing the 4 implants at precise angles and carefully planned positions. This ensures that the replacement teeth, in the form of a customised denture, get all the support they need to carry out the daily task of chewing, eating and talking.

The implant journey

Whether you are getting one dental implant in Melbourne or several, the procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic to ensure minimal discomfort. If you are feeling especially anxious, we can also provide dental sedation to relax you. Your implants need time to fully integrate into your jawbone as new bone tissue weaves in and around them. During this time, you’ll need to stick to a soft food diet but it will be worth it as once your implants have firmly rooted themselves in your jawbone you can eat whatever you like.