Practical advice for preserving your dental implant in Melbourne

If you finally replaced your missing tooth with a dental implant in Melbourne, you may be wondering how to take good care of it in order to keep it healthy and functional. Contrary to popular belief, dental implants do not require any particular special care. As long as you brush and floss them alongside the rest of your teeth and visit your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings, your dental implant should last for many years.

High dental implants Melbourne

At High Dental Implants, providing the best aftercare possible to patients who are having their tooth replaced by a dental implant in Melbourne is our ultimate goal. Dental implants are very durable compared to other conventional tooth replacement options, but sometimes they can fail due to impact, inflammation caused by peri-implantitis (a type of gum disease which is specific to dental implants), or infection. The risks associated with dental implant surgery in our practice are very low, because our dentists are sufficiently trained and have many years of experience.

Preserving your dental implant in Melbourne

Dental implants are gently placed into the jawbone, where they are left to connect with the bone tissue over a specific period of time. Depending on the size, type and location of the dental implant in your mouth, this procedure can be quite short or quite lengthy. The connective tissues that hold your natural teeth together are made of fibers which act as protection between your tooth and the jawbone. These fibers are not present in dental implants – the latter fuse to the bone and become stabilised during this procedure which is also known as osseointegration. For this reason, taking care of your dental implant in Melbourne so that it doesn’t become loose is really important.

More specifically, you should be careful not to:

  • clench or grind your teeth

  • chew on hard foods or ice

  • forget about your oral hygiene routine

  • develop gum disease.

The role of the dentist

If you have dental implants, it’s really important to visit the dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings. Depending on the specifics of your oral health, we recommend booking an appointment as often as possible.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.