Come in with teeth, go out with teeth

You have probably known a few people who have replaced their lost teeth with dental implants in Melbourne. Dental implants have been around for more than 30 years now and during that time plenty of people in Melbourne have had them placed.

dental implant Melbourne

Have you listened to the stories and heard that you have to go for weeks and weeks with no teeth between the implant surgery and the implants being well enough integrated with the jawbone to have teeth attached? Has the idea of having to go about your daily life with no teeth for up to 6 months while your implants are integrating put you off the whole idea?

Well, we can see why, but at High Dental Implants, we do things differently. We use a technique called same day teeth that means you when you leave our clinic in Armadale, Melbourne after having dental implant posts put in, you can leave with temporary crowns attached to them.

This technique with dental implants in Melbourne does not mean that you can go straight to a barbecue and tuck into the biggest, juiciest steak you’ve ever seen. You still have to wait 2-6 months after surgery for your implants to integrate with your jawbone. If you don’t, and you go for it in the chewing department too soon, you risk damaging your jawbone and losing your implants.

Teeth yes, but take it easy

What having same day teeth with dental implants in Melbourne means is that you have temporary crowns that allow you to talk and laugh and look normal but you still have to stick to the prescribed diet while your implants are integrating. In practice, this means a liquid diet for the first week or so after implant surgery, followed by a soft food diet until you come back to us and we put in your permanent crowns. Then you can go for your life with steaks, great raw veggies, nuts, and toffee. In fact, if you don’t, we will be disappointed that you aren’t making full use of your new teeth. Teeth are for chewing, smiling, talking, laughing. Use them!