What are dental implants at High Dental Implants Melbourne

After losing one tooth or many teeth, getting your bite back might feel like something you may never achieve again. Thankfully, at High Dental Implants Melbourne, we can give you back a smile that you can proudly share with those around you.

High dental implant Melbourne

By working in the field of dental implants, we have the ability and technology to provide you with professional and well rounded advice that encompasses many aspects of your life, not just the health of your mouth.

Feel free to contact us regarding any questions, concerns or desires that you may have. We would love to discuss with you your options so that you can make an informed decision that works for you and your lifestyle.

Who is this procedure for?

Any adult who has lost a tooth can qualify for this procedure. We need to make sure that your jaw bone has not receded too much. This is a common and natural reaction that the body has over time when a tooth or several teeth are missing.

If we discover that your jaw bone has receded a significant amount, then we have pre-treatment plans that we can discuss with you, enabling you to carry on with the implant treatment as planned.

By grafting in natural or synthetic bone into the jaw, we are able to provide the additional bone structure that you need in order for the metal rod that acts as a replacement tooth root to be stable and secure. It only takes a little longer for you to complete the procedure as we would need to ensure that the jawbone has fully healed before continuing on with inserting the tooth implant.

It is also important to be healthy in order to minimise the risk of infection or rejection of the replacement tooth root. For example, if you have an unmanaged gum disease we may wish to look at this condition before continuing on with creating your desired smile.

What can this procedure do for me?

If you are missing a single tooth, this is a good option as you can enjoy the benefit of keeping your jaw bone and surrounding teeth strong and healthy as well as having a discrete replacement tooth that looks and feels natural. You do not need to remove the crown that is fixed onto your implant and you can carry on with life, practically forgetting you ever lost a tooth.

Should there be multiple teeth lost, the team at High Dental Implants Melbourne are able to connect a bridge onto a single implant, allowing up to four teeth on a single implant. So if you have lost several teeth due to an injury or because of decay, this option allows for a reduced surgery and healing time, letting you get back to your life faster.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.