Your new teeth can be amazing with dental implants in Melbourne

Having to replace lost teeth can seem like a bit of a minefield. Do you choose dentures, fixed bridgework or do you invest in dental implants in Melbourne?

At High Dental Implants Melbourne, we are dedicated to transforming people’s lives by giving them back the full functionality of their teeth. It’s only when your teeth don’t bite and chew properly that you can appreciate how important having stable, long-lasting teeth. Eating, talking and laughing are such fundamental parts of life that when you have to second-guess your teeth it can make it almost impossible to be spontaneous about any of these things.

dental implants in Melbourne

Stable teeth

When you get your teeth replaced with dental implants in Melbourne, you will get teeth that are as stable as natural teeth. Dental implants are the only way to replace the whole tooth, including the root.

The implant dentist, inserts titanium posts or screws into your jawbone and over the next few months, they gradually fuse together as the bone grows all over the surface of the implants.

Once this process, called osseointegration, is complete, your teeth will be able to cope with anything you care to eat. Steaks, nuts, crunchy apples, toffees. All those things you had to give up eating can be reintroduced to your diet.

You don’t have to wait for crowns

Back when dental implants in Melbourne were first introduced, people used to have to wait until their implants had fused with their jawbones before the dentist added their crowns.

Nowadays, we can offer you same day teeth, where we fix the crowns onto the implants as soon as we have inserted them. The advantage of this is that you get to leave the clinic with complete new teeth in place. You still have to wait until your jawbone has fused with the implants before you can eat whatever you like, however.

Are you suitable for dental implants in Melbourne?

It all depends how good your jawbone is. Come in for a detailed consultation and we can take a look inside your jawbone with x-rays and scans to see if it is strong and dense enough to support dental implants.