Worried oral implants will set off metal detectors? The truth behind the myths about dental implants

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Look anywhere in the media and you will see adverts, articles, and interviews with dental practitioners discussing oral implants.

dental implant Melbourne

These once luxury additions to cosmetic dentistry have taken the world by storm. With more people seeking them as an option, they are becoming more widely discussed among dental patients.

However, as with most procedures that are new, they have not come without their own share of bad press; myths and mistruths surrounding oral implants are becoming more widespread across the internet. So, what is the truth? Is there a straightforward way to identify these myths?

At High Dental Implants Melbourne, our cosmetic team can help you to assess if you will benefit from oral implants; we have the experience to answer any questions you have about the fitting and the aftercare, and will always aim to ensure that you are fully informed about any procedure you undertake with us.

What are the truths and myths about oral implants? Our team at High Dental Implants Melbourne have the answers!

Myth- You can’t fly once you’ve had oral implants fitted

There is a myth that once you have oral implants fitted, you will no longer be able to get through the metal detector at an airport.

However, as the implants we use at High Dental Implants Melbourne are usually made from titanium, these should certainly not set off any metal detector at airport security. So, there is no need to cancel any impending trips abroad!

Myth- Mini implants are suitable for all dental patients

When you are seeking to have oral implants fitted, our team will choose the most suitable implant for you.

Many considerations go into this decision and, if you have a small amount of jawbone left, then mini implants may be the best solution going forward. However, while we wish we could fit every patient who wants implants with them, sometimes there is not enough jaw for any type of implant to be attached to, regardless of the size of the implant.

But don’t worry! If you aren’t suitable for oral implants, our team will help you to find a suitable alternative.

Myth- Implants need less care than real teeth

Once your implants are fitted, in order for them to last as long as possible, you need to take care of them.

Just as you would with a set of natural teeth, your implants will need to be brushed, flossed and examined twice a year by a member of our dental team.

Myth- The fitting is very uncomfortable

Having implants fitted may sound uncomfortable, but as your mouth will be numbed with a local anaesthetic, there should be no discomfort at all.

Once this has worn off, the sensation may feel similar to that of bruising.

Myth- Oral implants are for older people

As long as you are over the age of 18, have good oral health and have a gap in your smile that you want to be corrected, then you are likely to be suitable for oral implants.


All dental treatments carry potential risks. Contact your local dental team for more information about the procedures mentioned in this article.