Want to know about dental implants? A guide the three types we use at High Dental Implants Melbourne

If you regularly read our blog, you will undoubtedly notice that we mention oral implants. A lot!

High dental implant in Melbourne

There are many reasons for this. Firstly, oral implants are one of our most popular forms of cosmetic dentistry and secondly, at our surgery, we aim to inform our patients and our other site users about the procedures we offer here at High Dental Implants Melbourne.

However, we have even more information to give you about oral implants! Specifically, the different types of implants you may hear about when you are having this cosmetic treatment with us.

When you come to us for dental implants in Melbourne, our team is very professional and dedicated to ensuring that you have a pleasant experience with us. Depending on your unique clinical presentation, our dentists may decide to use one of the three most commonly used oral implants, to ensure that your new smile will last a long time!

Unaware of the different types of dental implants in Melbourne that we can offer? Read on to find out!

Endosteal implants

The most commonly used type of dental implants in Melbourne and indeed, the world, are endosteal implants, which require an intact, healthy jawbone to be attached to and no additional fitting techniques or equipment.

However, this type of implant contains many subtypes, each uniquely crafted to match your individual bone density and quality. A different subtype may be selected by our dentists depending on how you want your finalised smile to look and feel when grinding food.

Endosteal implants are typically made of titanium and physically resemble a screw.

Zygomatic implants

This type of implant is only used on the upper jaw and is usually selected by our dentists if there is not enough jawbone to attach an endosteal implant to; one key difference about this implant is where it is attached in the mouth.

Typically, when an endosteal implant is attached to the upper jaw, it is fitted to the maxilla bone. However, zygomatic implants are attached to the bone located just above the maxilla, known as the zygomatic bone, which is more commonly known as the cheekbone.

Understandably, this implant type is significantly longer than the endosteal implant and requires a fair amount of specialist equipment to fit, as well as a longer fitting time. Unfortunately, this means that this type of implant has a higher rate of failure than the traditional endosteal implant.

Mini or micro implants

As the name suggests, these implants are smaller than the regular endosteal implant.

Physically similar to the common implant however, they do resemble a traditional screw, but also have a ball-like structure at the top end of them.

These implants, like zygomatic options, are useful when there is bone loss which, if fitted with a regular-sized endosteal implant, would require a bone graft to fit successfully.

Unfortunately, one downside of these implants is that they do not fuse to the bone and so can only be used to support the lighter prosthetics, such as front teeth or incisors.


All dental treatments carry potential risks. This article is not a substitute for a check-up with your dental practitioner.