Discover how versatile a dental implant in Melbourne is

Of all dental solutions for missing teeth, dental implants are undoubtedly the most versatile ones. Imagine missing one, several, or all of your natural teeth. Instead of getting anxious about your treatment options, what if we told you that dental implants can help restore your missing teeth in all of the above scenarios?

dental implants in Melbourne

Selecting the right type of dental implant in Melbourne is a collaborative effort and at High Dental Implants, we are happy to help you reach the best decision possible. Our experienced dentists can recommend the best options based on the number of teeth you are missing, your age, your particular needs and other considerations. You can rest assured that we offer personalised care to all of our patients.

What can a dental implant in Melbourne do?

Dental implants can help fix many oral situations. If you are missing a single tooth, your dentist will recommend a single dental implant with a crown, whereas if you are missing multiple teeth you can choose between implant-retained bridges or implant-retained dentures. Patients with limited jawbone can have bone grafts or opt for a same-day implant technique such as multiple implants. Your options are numerous.

Who can have dental implants?

Dental implants are quite advanced nowadays and this means that almost everyone can take advantage of them. However, be cautious if you are smoking or suffer from gum disease, diabetes or heart disease. These conditions have been associated with implant failure diachronically, and although patients having them can still consider dental implants, it is best to consult their dentist in advance. The most important criteria for dental implants are the quality and quantity of the jawbone and a patient’s overall health. If patients cannot have general surgery due to various pathological problems, chances are that they cannot have implant surgery either. When it comes to the state of the jawbone, most patients can still benefit from specialised implant solutions that do not require much bone left in the jawbone in order to be successful.

Get in touch

Questions? Our friendly dental team is well trained to answer all your implant questions and queries.