Can I have dental implants?

Is your smile unattractive? Do your missing teeth make it difficult for you to enjoy your favourite foods? Life without a functional set of teeth can be challenging. While there are several options that can help restore your smile, a dental implant in Melbourne might be the most viable solution, since it is a replacement for your tooth roots. However, how can you know if you can have this treatment?

dental implants in Melbourne

At High Dental Implants, a dental implant in Melbourne is ideal for patients who have lost their natural teeth. Our experienced dentist will examine your teeth thoroughly and help you decide if you are a good candidate for this treatment. Most patients can have a dental implant in Melbourne as long as certain criteria are met.

Healthy gums

Healthy gums are really important when it comes to dental implants, because if you have gum disease, an infection could easily develop around the implant, leading to complications and implant failure.

Even if you have active gum disease, you can become a suitable candidate for dental implants once your condition is treated.

Good oral habits

Dental implants will restore your smile, but they will not stay healthy on their own. Patients with dental implants need to be more careful, so that their dental implants stay in great shape. If you are in the habit of brushing at least twice a day, flossing regularly, and visiting your dentist at least every 6 months, there is a good chance that you are a good candidate for dental implants.

Adequate bone density

Dental implants are surgically inserted into your jawbone, which means that your bone needs to be strong and dense enough in order to support these restorations. If your bone density is poor, you might have to go through extra steps before having implant surgery or you may be eligible for a specialised implant treatment such as multiple implants or denture stabilisation.

Overall health

If you have any conditions that could hinder your ability to heal properly after surgery, then dental implants might not be a viable option for you. For instance, if you have diabetes or heart disease, you will need to control them before having implant surgery.