Options for replacing single or multiple teeth with Dental Implants in Melbourne

There are many things that can cause someone to lose a tooth. Whether it be a result of tooth decay or an accident which affects the teeth, losing one or multiple teeth can feel like a devastating event for many, as a missing tooth has negative impacts both for a person’s health, as well as cosmetically. Luckily though, by getting Dental Implants in Melbourne, it is possible for broken or missing teeth to be replaced with new, nearly identical implants. The process of getting Dental Implants in Melbourne varies depending on how many teeth are missing or broken, and it is a good idea to be aware of these separate processes before receiving treatment. Furthermore, it is also wise to think about where you might like to go to get treatment, to ensure that your Dental Implants in Melbourne are being delivered to you professionally.replacing-missing-teeth

Indeed, making sure that a treatment such as dental implants is performed with sufficient care and expertise is important. To that end, we recommend that you consider High Dental Implants Melbourne for your treatment if you have any broken or missing teeth. At High Dental Implants Melbourne, we provide high quality dental care to both individuals and families and our team of dentists use their extensive knowledge and education in the field of dentistry to make sure that we can help you to achieve optimum dental health. Furthermore, we pride ourselves on providing a caring and comfortable environment for treatment, with plenty of options to help you feel at ease during treatment, meaning that here at High Dental Implants Melbourne, you never need to fear that trip to the dentist again!

Single tooth implants

A dental implant for a single tooth uses a small titanium screw, which integrates into the gum tissue. This is the same place where the root of a regular tooth would sit. This screw is also surgically placed into the jaw by a dentist. As well as this, the screw is made with materials that are optimal for the screw’s close contact and eventual fusion with the jaw bone. This, along with the screw’s shape, ensures that the implant ‘abutment’ will have maximum stability later on.

This implant ‘abutment’ (also known as a crown or a bridge) is what fits on to the end of the screw and acts as the new, replacement tooth. They are made to emulate the colour, shading and shape of your natural teeth and match them as much as possible. The new implant abutment will allow you to eat, chew and use your teeth naturally, and as the bone fuses with the screw, your jaw and gums remain intact.

Multiple tooth implants

The process for fitting multiple tooth implants is similar to that of single tooth implants. However, there are some important differences to be aware of. For example, the implant screw used in multiple tooth implants is designed to support a bridge of up to four teeth in a row. These bridges are stable and sturdy and can last for a lifetime so long as they receive proper maintenance and care. In addition, when many teeth need to be replaced, there are also options to give you a full mouth of new replacement teeth, such as multiple implants, which uses just four implants.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.