High Dental Implants in Melbourne – curing your anxieties about missing teeth

Losing teeth can cause your jaw bone to gradually erode, along with surrounding tissue and blood vessels. However, this needn’t be a problem for you, or something you should have to deal with alone. High Dental Implants in Melbourne offer implants that can help replace missing teeth.

High dental implants in Melbourne

How will implants help me?

Implants have many benefits, from physical ones, to emotional ones, such as helping you restore normality by allowing you to fully regain control of your actions, such as eating, chewing, or brushing your teeth properly. In terms of appearance, they contribute to the normal bone structure of your jaw and mouth, allowing you to avoid that sallow, sunken look that can sometimes arise when missing teeth results in hollow cheeks. Besides just physically, you will also have the satisfaction of a natural looking smile, allowing you to smile properly again without the fear of missing teeth or an uneven mouth.

What even are dental implants?

Dental implants are tiny little screws normally made out of titanium, that are placed along the jaw in the missing space of a tooth.With one of our professional practitioners on hand to reassure you along the way, you will be walked through every step of the process, in order to avoid confusion or uncertainty. After being fitted, crowns, dentures and bridges can then be fixed onto the implant, leading to a natural looking, stable and secure smile.

What is the process?

At the initial assessment consultation, you will be able to inform our practitioner of the results you want to attain at the end of the procedure, allowing us to be on the same page with the look you are hoping to achieve. We will go through the risks and benefits of each treatment option, so you are able to get a full picture of the different treatments on offer to you. We will then go through a full medical check with you. Preliminary dental radiographs (x-rays) may also be taken if needed, allowing a more accurate assessment of your needs. Following this, a full plan will be given to you, including the process of the treatment, alongside the cost plan and any other information you may need.You needn’t worry about complicated designs or methods you don’t understand – our primary goal is to give you the full smile that you deserve, in a straightforward manner.

Why choose High Dental Implants in Melbourne?

Missing teeth can contribute to feelings of insecurity, self consciousness, and many other feelings that you don’t deserve to experience when smiling. With our help, you can achieve that natural looking, full smile that you were born with, despite the issues or problems you’ve experienced leading to the missing teeth you have today.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.