Denture stabilization with dental implants in Melbourne

Dentures can be a life-changing appliance for those who have lost all of their teeth, but even so, they can feel awkward and can make people feel self-conscious. Dentures stand the risk of falling out while eating or even laughing too hard.  With dental implants in Melbourne, dentures have been given new life as we are able to stabilize and secure them in your jaw so that they no longer run the risk of falling out and potentially embarrassing you in front of family and friends.denture-stabilization

What are dental implants?

Dental implants in Melbourne have been a tried and tested procedure for decades and work incredibly well when it comes to replacing teeth. An implant is made of titanium which is a strong metal alloy that human bone tissue attaches very well too. This small titanium screw is placed right into the jaw bone for this very reason because as the bone grows around the screw it holds it firmly in place making it an ideal anchor for a single tooth or set of teeth.

The reason this bone fusing with metal is so important is not only for a strong base to hold up a set of teeth but to support the bone over time as the bone loss suffered due to missing teeth is very substantial. The purpose of the jaw bone is to hold teeth in place and when there are no longer any teeth, the body will begin to absorb this bone which causes the structure of the face shape to change – making you appear older than you are. With dental implants, we are able to trick the body into thinking that there are still teeth to hold onto so the bone grows back.

How do dental implants stabilize a set of dentures?

Abutments are fitted to the implants so that a full denture can be connected to the strong anchor point instead of sitting loosely over the gums. The beauty of this procedure is that we can connect your dentures to only 4 implants (2 at the top and 2 at the bottom) which means you do not need to go through a surgery to replace every single missing tooth, and the 4 implants are enough to encourage the right amount of bone growth over time.

The surgery

Dental implants in Melbourne require a serious surgery that has a long healing period. If you are particularly nervous or phobic about receiving dental treatment we can sedate you before the procedure so that you remain completely relaxed throughout. Before we start any work we will first completely numb the area for you so that you feel no pain. We will then make an incision in the gum to expose the bone so that we can drill into it and insert the implant. You will then be stitched up and sent home to await the healing process which takes about 6 months. This is a natural process whereby the bone fuses to the titanium during which we will provide you with temporary dentures.

At a second appointment, once we have determined that your implants are ready, we will fix an abutment to the implant to secure your dentures to them so that you can begin living life with more confidence.

Disclaimer: All treatment carries risk. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.