Curious about the different kinds of oral implants? 4 types we use at High Dental Implants

Are you worried that you may not be suitable for oral implants? Have you heard that there is a strict criterion that cosmetic dentists have to stick to when fitting implants?

dental-implants-melbourneThere are rumours circling dental health forums regarding oral implants; many people have been refused by dental teams to have them fitted and so, as you peruse these sites, you may be concerned that your dental team will refuse you as well.

However, as a general rule, if your oral health is good and you avoid certain lifestyle choices, you will probably be a good fit for one of the oral implants used in dentistry today?

Wait, there’s more than one kind of oral implant? Yes, there is and at High Dental Implants in Melbourne, our dedicated team will choose the perfect one for you.

At High Dental Implants, we know all about oral implants and are proud to be able to offer our patients a wide variety of these restorative fittings. Suited to fit your mouth and your unique clinical situation, when you come to us for oral implants, you will leave with a gap-free smile and an implant or restorative fitting to last a lifetime. Perfect!

So, what are the different types of implants that our team at High Dental Implants in Melbourne can offer?


Visually similar to a small screw, an endosteal implant is the most common type we use at High Dental Implants in Melbourne.

It is a perfect option for replacing a single tooth and can be used to support a bridge or complete set of overdentures. As this is the most commonly used implant, it is suited to people who have good oral health, dense jawbones, and do not have a history of gum disease.


This style of implant is a bit more complicated to fit, but the end results can be striking.

Our team will surgically place a metal framework underneath your gum line, to act as a secondary jawbone. The frame is not attached to your jaw and is perfect if you do not have adequate jaw bone left to support an endosteal implant.

There are posts attached to the framework which can support a single tooth or a complete set of dentures.


Three times longer than an endosteal implant, a zygomatic implant is attached to the zygoma (or cheekbone).

Suited for those who have a weak upper jaw, a zygomatic implant is an optimum way to secure anything from a single tooth to a full set of upper dentures.


A great solution for restoring missing teeth at the front of your mouth or for those who have a thinner than average jaw, micro-implants are, as the name suggests, a smaller version of the traditional endosteal implant.

They are also perfect if you have natural teeth on either side of your gap, making the gap very small. They are also suited to patients who cannot have a fitted bridge or subperiosteal implants for clinical reasons.


All dental treatments carry potential risks. Contact your local dental team for more information about the procedures mentioned in this article.